Carl A EWAB Group News
Carl Adolfsson of the EWAB Group
“Just a job” became 10 years and a career.
Carl Adolfsson is only 30 years old but has already been at EWAB for 10 years. When asked if he wanted to move to the US he did not hesitate. A couple of months turned into 4 years. Today he has moved back to Sweden and changed Chicago for Vadstena, NHL for SHL and deep-dish pizza for rotten fish, Surströmming.
Life changing decision A couple of months soon turned into years and Carl’s life was forever changed. Not long after coming to Chicago he met his future wife, Keelan.
- She played on the same volleyball team as Chris Bates. That’s how we met, says Carl.
They got married in 2019 and she is now adjusting to life in Sweden.
- She likes it here. Of course, it’s a big difference from the US but she likes the calm and the food. We like it in Sweden, but no one knows what the future holds.
Carl Adolfsson started at EWAB Engineering in September 2011. Back then he was 20 years old and had just recently finished military service. He wanted to work for a while before figuring out what University to apply for and what to study. - I did not plan to stay long at EWAB. I just wanted something to do before figuring out the next step to take in my life, says Carl Adolfsson. But things rarely pan out as expected. Carl initially worked as a Build Engineer and was soon offered the chance to learn how to become a Mechanical Engineer. He gladly accepted and took courses in build design and “learning by doing”. - Those first 4 years went by quite fast. But I guess that's how it is when you have a job that you like. I don't regret for a minute that I stayed at EWAB, says Carl.
But the food is not the only difference between Sweden and USA.
- The American culture is a little more direct and honest. Swedes are more withdrawn. I´ve learned to stand up for myself and speak my mind.
Another thing that Carl found to be a difference from Sweden was the leisure time after work.
- In the states we always did something in our spare time.
NHL vs SHL. It´s hard to believe it´s the same sport.
There was always something fun to do. The possibilities are endless. That is something I loved with living over there. I miss that.
At that time Pierre Oskarsson was acting MD in Sweden and it was he that came with the offer that changed Carl's life.
In Sweden we call it “Brännboll”
- He came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go over to the states and help the guys for a while. I asked for how long and he said at least a couple of months. I said yes the next day.
The initial plan to just get a job for a while and then continue with studies did not turn out quite as Carl intended. At only 30 years old Carl already has 10 years’ experience at EWAB and made a career of that “first job”. - I am thankful to EWAB. I have been given the chance to educate myself through the company and develop new skills with encouragement from the management. This company offers possibilities if you want them.
A green river means St:Patricks day in Chicago.
Carl said yes, and so did Keelan!
Carl mostly worked with project management in the US and over the years Carl was involved in some interesting projects. One he soon won’t forget is GM in Mexico.
- That was a huge project that took a long time and had a lot of challenges. It was very satisfying to finalize that project. It had a lot of extreme applications and equipment but we made it work in the end, says Carl.
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