The EWAB Group
EWAB Workpiece Carr ier Systems Connecting Machines
a worldwide experience since 1970
EWAB project center EWAB customer regions
EWAB Engineering was founded in Sweden 1970 at the dawn of Automation. One Company in 11 countries - Worldwide business.
Yearly Projects Capacity Approximately 70 M Euro
Workpiece Carrier Systems
We develop our systems for maximal Troughput. With experienced people and a unique Know-How, we can offer the best solutions on the market.
We can connect more than 1 200 machines per year
Multicultural and International Teams 250 Employees
From start to finish Consultative Engineering Design - Build - Install
We make Customized System solutions. Simple to buy, simple to implement, simple to run! Imagine a simple way to connect your manufacturing operations. A system that is designed to provide maximum throughput and shortest lead time with reduced work in progress.
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High Quality Excellant up-time
Our material flow systems have been setting standards for decades. We have 50 years of Know-How, an unique expertize in material flow and we connect more than 1 200 machines every year. EWAB Workpiece Carrier Systems are the backbone of manufacturing industry and it has high quality, reliability and excellent up-time The cre info Do you need a buffer for your
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Buffer loop
We have solutions from a single operation to complex system solutions with multiple operations.
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Continues flow manufacturing
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EWAB pallet systems are extremely reliable. They operate under extreme conditions, such as grinding dust, oil or chips. A high level of transport security is guaranteed. Damage to the products is prevented by this technology.
The workpiece carriers can be fitted with a data medium to track your parts. The pallets are transported on the chain solely by friction.
PS 800 The bearing pressure is applied directly to the chain in the case of the PS 800. This well-conceived system was specially designed for cell solutions and complex chain systems. Our most sold pallet system.
PS 810 In the case of the PS 810, the load is distributed over the chain and lateral track. This enables larger volume workpieces to be transported. The PS 810 pallet system is suitable for cell solutions and complex production lines.
20 m/min / 65ft/min
30 kg / 65 lbs
20 m/min / 65ft/min
45 kg / 100 lbs
The weight of the goods to be transported is distributed on side rollers. This means that even heavy loads and asymmetrical centers of gravity do not pose a problem.
CS 2000 The most powerful of the carrier systems, the CS 2000 features large guide rollers that not only enable loads of up to 1500 kg to be transported, but can even be rolled along the floor independently of the system. Guide rollers for heavy loads.
1 500 kg / 4,500 lbs
CS 900 In order to distribute the weight evenly, the steel rollers of the CS 900 run on the side tracks. This system was developed for cell solutions and complex chain systems. Steel rollers.
CS 200 In the case of the CS 200, the plastic rollers run directly on the aluminum profile. Compact design.
90 kg / 200 lbs
12m/min / 40ft/min
400 kg / 900 lbs
Produced by EWAB University
Sweden EWAB Engineering AB Gärdesvägen 2 59291 Vadstena Phone +46 143-750 00 Switzerland EWAB International AG Bahnhofstrasse 7 6003 Luzern Phone +41 41 418 64 50
Germany EWAB Engineering GmbH, Deggendorf
Argentina EWAB Engineering S.A. Bv. de los Almogovares 6020 X5022GKN Cordoba Phone +54 351 589 12 12
Schedlhofstraße 6 94469 Deggendorf Phone +49 991 27 00 434-0 EWAB Engineering GmbH Zum Lichtblick 2 34346 Hann. Münden Phone +49 55 45 999 10-0 Italy EWAB Engineering s.r.l. Via Primo Levi 1 10051 Avigliana - TO Phone +39 011 93 67-707
P.R. China EWAB Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Building 8 Nr. 530 Huicheng Road 201300, Shanghai, P.R. China Phone +86 21 611 831 81
United Kingdom EWAB Engineering Limited Road Sixteen, Stafford Park Industrial Estate Telford, TF3 3BS Phone +44 1952 239 200 USA EWAB Engineering, Inc. Chicago 1971 Kelley Court Libertyville, IL 60048 Phone +1 847 247 0015 EWAB Engineering, Inc. Detroit 44160 Plymouth Oaks Blvd. Plymouth, MI 48170 Phone +1 734 414 7900
France EWAB Engineering S.A.S. 1, rue des frères Lumière, 68190 Ensisheim Phone +33 3 89 83 43 20
Mexico EWAB Engineering, Mexico Camino de Los Pavorreales 1000 San Jeronimo Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico 64630 Phone +52 1 811 990 7050 Spain EWAB Engineering S.A.U. P. I. Pedrosa, C/ Montserrat Roig. 58 08908 L‘Hospitalet de Llobregat Phone +34 93 587 20 30
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