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The weight of the goods to be transported is distributed on side rollers in the case of carrier systems. This means that even heavy loads and asymmetrical centres of gravity do not pose a problem.
CS 200 In the case of the CS 200, the plastic rollers run directly on the aluminium profile. Compact design.
12m/min / 40ft/min
90 kg / 200 lbs
CS 900 In order to distribute the weight evenly, the steel rollers of the CS 900 run on the side tracks. This system was developed for cell solutions and complex chain systems. Steel rollers. CS 2000 The most powerful of the carrier systems, the CS 2000 features large guide rollers that not only enable loads of up to 1500 kg to be transported, but can even be rolled along the floor independently of the system. Guide rollers for heavy loads.
400 kg / 900 lbs
1 500 kg / 4,500 lbs
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