Dominick Galante Group News

Dominick Galante believes in the US market and sees a lot of potential for EWAB Engineering. - The US is a very priced focused market at the moment but in these times, we need to have patience and just continue working, says Dominick Galante. Dominick Galante is EWAB:s man in what could be called the birthplace of modern automation and car manufacturing, Detroit “Motortown”. Here Henry Ford started in 1903 and today its also home for General Motors and Chrysler. Detroit has over the decades had its own challenges and is no stranger to hard times. Just a couple of years ago in 2013 the governor of Michigan Rick Snyder, declared the city of Detroit bankrupt. The city had then a dept of 18,5 billion dollars. We all know the automotive industry have had some hard times lately and the pandemic has not improved the situation. But no matter how hard it gets sometimes, hard work and patience is the only way forward. -We are starting to see more quoting for EWAB US but at the same time the number of new programs is starting to decline due to the EV push. This can also be an opportunity for us as it opens up another market and might redirect some of our focus to non-automotive, says Dominick Galante. Before the Corona pandemic the sales work was very focused on customer visits and real-life contact. This has changed drastically during the last year and maybe it is the beginning of a new type of sales work. -This pandemic has normalized the web meeting, which is great for us. Before I had to travel long distances just to meet in person. Sometimes the meeting did not lead to anything anyway and it ended up being a complete waste of time. Now, I have web meetings and there is no time wasted. This forced digitization has made things more efficient and contacts with potential customers more frequent, it also means that you as a sales person might get to hear the phrase “No thank you” more often and that might impact motivation. -In todays market, price is everything. Its a challenge to convince the customer that our price is worth it. We have a premium product and solution that brings a lot more to the table than just a working material flow. We must make them see that as well.

The new way of doing business Dominick believes this new digital work environment opens a lot of new doors that may have been closed in the past.

-It used to be hard to get into places if you weren´t a local sales rep. That has changed.

One platform that Dominick frequently uses is LinkedIn. It’s a platform that has been around for a while but a relatively new tool in the EWAB Group and our way of doing business.

-I see several benefits to using LinkedIn. The main benefit is contact generation. LinkedIn is the only platform with updated and accurate information about a contact of interest. It is also useful for contacting people. If the person you are trying to get in contact with is an active LinkedIn user, it can be easier to contact them through LinkedIn. Dominick is also happy to share his experience on what works best when it comes to establish contact with people on LinkedIn. -My advice would be to use LinkedIn as much as possible. It is the best resource we have to qualify a good contact. Keep your in-mail messages short and to the point, include a video or a brochure and always ask for a meeting .

Soon to be Mr & Mrs Galante!

The skyline of Motortown

Is the summer long enough?

Even if the market seems slow now, Dominick has high hopes for the future. -I see automation gradually increasing in the US market. With the advancements in technology, companies will continue to see the benefit of automation. Automation will continue to grow at steady pace in my opinion.

Getting married! This summer life also changes for Dominick outside of work. He is getting married to his fiance Olivia and his plans for the future are set.

-My plan is to raise a family with my wife!

While not getting married and raising a family Dominick loves to play golf and basketball.

-Even though many of us work from home in this pandemic its important to leave work at work. We all need to do the things we love outside of work and charge our batteries. Except getting married I also plan to improve my golf swing this summer, says Dominick with smile.

Dominick and Olivia trying the wine before the wedding.

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